Question from the reader

Why Is It Always about Suffering in Life?

by Younousse Tamkeloe

Since the beginning of humanity, there has always been an enlightened person, who is Prophet, Buddha, etc. and who comes to lead people spiritually. But people have always neglected what an enlightened person was teaching, and only after his passing people discovered his teaching and joined it.

Jesus said “I am the Father, the Son, and the Saint Spirit. No one comes to the Father except through me.” What does this mean? This means that everyone who believed him and practiced his meditation would have eternal life. Jesus taught that if you wanted to reach eternal life and end all the physical pain, you had to meditate or pray in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Saint Spirit. Jesus taught the meditation technique of his moment, which would lead humans to be connected with themselves and their spiritual bodies to become enlightened like Jesus and to make the same miracles as Jesus, like ending suffering in life.

After Jesus, Mohammed did the same for his moment. Mohammed taught Arabs about the meditation of his moment. He taught people that meditating five times a day while cleaning your physical body and reciting Fatiha will help you clean your bad karma and have eternal life, or end your pain.

Before them, Shakyamuni revealed the Lotus Sutra to help people of his moment end suffering. And now, Nichiren Daishonin, who is the Buddha for our moment, taught about the heart of the Lotus Sutra.

Why is there still suffering? The suffering does not end 100% because the majority of humans are very selfish. For them, everything is about their happiness first, before others. And it is not only their fault—it is also the planet where we live, which is like that. All is about transformation. Suffering or pain can never be completely excluded from human life because the pain has two sides. First, there is a natural pain, which is the pain of birth and death. Each time a woman wants to give birth, she suffers a lot. When the baby is born and tries to adapt to the physical life condition while his organs are growing, his immune system is developing, etc., the baby suffers a lot, which he or she expresses through crying. The same goes for death. Before taking your last breath, you will feel pain, which is natural suffering. The pain of birth and death can never change because it is a part of the transformation of our life form. In one of my next books, I will talk about it in more detail.

But the type of suffering, which one of my readers addresses in this question, is the suffering because of love, not having a happy life, having a precarious financial situation, or because there is so much inequality and injustice in the world. Some people are very poor, sick, depressed, etc. and all that happens to them just because they don’t find the meditation of the moment, which would clean their bad karma and awaken them spiritually and help them have a healthy and happy life. And some are rich but they are still sick, depressed, etc. and they hate everyone because even though they may have everything for good living conditions they are not happy enough because they don’t find the right meditation. Some people even find the right meditation but they still are not happy because they keep it only for themselves. They don’t want to share with others the mantra of the moment, which is Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, which Nichiren Daishonin who is the Buddha of the moment, talked about. Some people want only themselves to benefit from meditation.

And it has always been like this that some people were hiding the secret of meditation for themselves. But now it is going to be changed, and everyone will have access to it. Even though some people refuse to talk to others about the benefit of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the meditation of the moment itself will manifest.

So, all is about suffering because of hate, ignorance, selfishness, the negative side of egoism, lies, closed-mindedness, hypocrisy, and unthankfulness, and not knowing that everyone is spiritual and can become enlightened; it just depends on finding the meditation of the moment, which is to chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.

My conclusion to answer the question of my reader is that suffering has two sides. The first side of suffering comes naturally with our human existence, which is the suffering of birth and death. The second side of suffering is associated with the life conditions after we are born including every circumstance that we pass through, and how we live, which is all about finding happiness and healing the world while helping it to be a peaceful place. And all this is very simple. It is for this that I wrote the book “How Is Human Built? Introduction to the Spiritual World” where I explained about the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, who is the Buddha of the moment and who taught about the heart of the Lotus Sutra and the benefit of chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. This is the only way to end suffering in our life existence in this world and wake up our Buddha life to become enlightened and have eternal life.

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4 years ago

Thank you very much for sharing the insights about the reasons for suffering. The division of the suffering in two parts, and highlighting and explaining the reasons beyond them in a well-structured manner was very useful to read for me, especially unavoidability of some physical suffering due to the human nature, as I have not thought about it before.
Based on the experiences I have mostly while I share regarding the curing power of meditation with the people, who are dear for me, and are suffering due to various reasons or uncertainties, they are pretty skeptical, some say that it is hard to discipline self to meditate, some does not believe in its results and are not even interested in to try, some are very reserved to it and consider as something mystical. What I want to emphasize is that, based on my experiences, when I share the information regarding the meditation to the people, who are coming from the Christian culture or from whom meditation is totally unknown concept, I face lack of interest in listening. So, in addition to the aspects shared in the blog, is also the aspect of not receptivity of meditation as a way of avoiding suffering. Therefore, I would like to request your opinion and experience how to awaken in people, who are dear for us and are suffering due to various issues, the interest in meditation in general and then in meditation for the moment ?