Read the full blog article here.

What is the function of the soul?

“The soul is our life. The soul is the energy that gives life to our physical body. Energy is also known as a chakra. To be full of energy in the soul means to have full chakras in the soul. Different parts of our soul are our chakras. All the chakras together make the soul. Altogether, there are ten chakras. Nichiren Daishonin explained it using the Ten Worlds: Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity, Rapture (Happiness), Learning, Realization, Bodhisattva, and Buddhahood. You can read about the Ten Worlds in the writings of Nichiren Daishonin.” Excerpt from the book “How Is Human Built? Introduction to the Spiritual World” 

Read the full article here.

Read the full blog article here.

Read the full blog article here.

Read more in the blog.

The additional chapter of the printed book includes paintings of persons with different sexual identities and explains why it is perfectly normalboth spiritually and physicallyto be born as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or heterosexual.

Read the full article here.

Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo will help you find your destiny partner when you are ready for it.

Find out more about the book and where to find it here.

Read the full article here.

Nichiren Daishonin is the Buddha of our moment. Through following his spiritual practice, humans nowadays can become enlightened and have happy lives.

Meditation will help you become awake spiritually and enable you to correct every negative situation that will come to you in the future spiritually before the situation arrives to you physically.

Excerpt from the book “How Is Human Built? Introduction to the Spiritual World”.

Meditate to have a happy life physically and spiritually.

I came across a following quote on Internet: “When the ego dies, the soul awakes”. I would like to explain why I believe this quote is false or incomplete.

Ego and spirituality are two different things. Ego is physical. Ego goes with everything that is physical, everything that you can discover, see, or touch. Spirituality is the mystical side of life in everything. [read more]

Every time when an enlightened person appears in this world, they are teaching spirituality to awaken people and help them become enlightened and have happy lives. But when this enlightened person passes, the community that he came from changes the real teaching to use it in a selfish way for their own benefit and adds culture and traditions to it, all while spreading division, distraction, and hate between people. This reminds me of our life situation today: how politics spreads division and hate between humans. People need to stop fighting and focus on meditating to become awake and enlightened and to have happy lives. It is because of this that I wrote this quote.

It is very important to meditate in a spiritual way by finding the mantra of the moment rather than to meditate in some religious way according to the customs and traditions associated with some religion.

Everyone is privileged to be a human, love each other!

To be present in the moment, you have to be able to focus on your thoughts and feel the moment.

Excerpt from the book “How Is Human Built? Introduction to the Spiritual World”.

Death is not the end of lifedeath is a journey to another life form. [read more in the blog post] 

Meditation is key to remembering and understanding your dreams.

Everyone is spiritual. Some are sick spiritually, some are sleeping spiritually, and some are awake spiritually. It is important to meditate in order to be awake spiritually.

Illustration from the art series “World War III”. Title: Be Careful at Night [find more information on Younousse’s art website]

It is important to meditate to clean your bad karma, to awaken your spiritual bodies, and to become enlightened. 

It is important to meditate for yourself and for everyone to help them have a happy and healthy life.

Meditation will help you clean your bad karma and become an awake person. But you can never become an enlightened person if you cannot determine right from wrong. 

Illustration from the art series “World War III”. Title: God Has Closed His Doors: Easter 2020 [find more information on Younousse’s art website]

One and a half years ago I started writing a book called “How Is Human Built?”, in which I talk about my experiences as a Buddhist. And in this book, I provided several explanations, which prove that God has never existed and that the human is the God that people are looking for. Today we have the coronavirus pandemic, and a lot of spiritual institutions (churches, mosques, temples, etc.) have closed their doors to prevent the spread of the virus that is killing a lot of people.

After this pandemic, it is important that humans stop wasting their time going to the church because they already have the proof that the church will not be there for them in a crisis. Instead, everyone should start focusing on themselves trying to find who they are through meditation, to wake up their spiritual bodies and connect with them. Meditation is the only way to solve this situation spiritually. Only through meditation we will have a happy, healthy and peaceful world today and in the future.

No religion saw the pandemic coming. Even though some religious books predicted the end of human existence on Earth , the human existence on Earth will never end. However, human life on Earth will keep transforming, and it is important to have a positive transformation of life. After this crisis passes, it is important for everyone to stop looking for happiness and peace in the wrong direction. So, respect the quarantine while working at home or working outside while taking precautions and meditating every day to protect yourself and others from the pandemic.

Meditation will awaken your soul and your spirit and will open your eyes to see the reality and do good acts. All forms of discrimination have to stop because humans have the same soul and the same spirit.