Does Meditation Change You or the Situation around You?

by Younousse Tamkeloe

Meditation is the source of life. Meditation is like a battery charger, the source of energy. Why do people meditate? People meditate because they want to solve a particular situation or because they want to improve their lives and have a happy life. And now you are asking whether meditation changes you or it changes the situation around you?

You see, you cannot meditate without changing yourself and without changing your situation. Because meditation is life. It is like the day and the night. When the day comes, it comes with the light. The day wakes people up so that people can pursue their occupations. Now it depends on how you use your day. If you are not awake in the daytime, it will have an impact on you. And when the night comes, it is for people to sleep, to calm down, etc. Now it depends on how you use your night. Maybe you need to accomplish some objective, so you are working late into the night. But if you do not sleep well, it may also have an impact on you.

So, meditation is also like this. Meditation comes to change you and your situation. It is not separate. Because meditation works with the three bodies (the spirit, the soul, the physical body). And now it also depends on how you meditate. It is for this that it is very important for everyone to make the right meditation. This means meditating by chanting the mantra of the moment, which is Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.

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