Question from the reader

Can Drugs Help in Spiritual Awakening?

by Younousse Tamkeloe

This question often comes from young readers. And to me, it is a very important and interesting question to answer.

What is a drug? When people hear about drugs, they often think about it as something bad. And some people, when they hear about drugs, they think about it as something good. Because there are different types of drugs. There are drugs that are used as a medicine or a natural supplement and that are good for human health. And there are also drugs that are very toxic and that can destroy human life. In general, a drug is a physical thing, which is limited in its physical effect.

Drugs are contained in every food that we eat. It is for this that sometimes we feel to eat some particular food. I would like to point out the addictive side of drugs. If we look at sugar, there is sugar in almost everything that we eat. Sugar gives a sweet taste to our food, even fruit. Sugar gives us a taste to come again for this food. This sugar is a drug, which can be good or bad for the human health depending on how people consume it. All that I am saying stays in the physical side. When we take the five senses of the physical body, drugs give us physical feelings, which I can call ‘the ego of taking more’. In general, when you take drugs, you have feelings about enjoying everything more, in a physical way. This is an example about sugar, which is a drug food. Sugar can be called the first-degree drug.

Synthetic drugs are second-degree drugs. Synthetic drugs are created by humans using different chemical components. These drugs are very dangerous, they can make you addicted, they can poison your senses, they can have an effect on your brain, your blood, or your health system in general, and they will deplete your physical energy. And because synthetic or chemical drugs are like poison in small amounts, sometimes they will make you disconnect from your physical body, they will shake your view, etc. All this is not spiritual, it is just the physical drug effect. It is like drinking alcohol and becoming drunk.

When we turn to natural drugs, which include weed, mushrooms, ayahuasca, iboga, etc. or everything that comes naturally from plants, they are third-degree drugs. They can be good to take physically because they are a supplement for human health. Weed is better than tobacco, but tobacco is legal to smoke while weed is not legal because of the effect, which weed produces and which some people think to be something bad. But weed is not bad at all, weed is a natural supplement for the human body. Weed, mushrooms, etc. are the plants of happiness, relaxation, and life. These plants prepare the physical body to release different types of stress: stress of the mind, stress of the brain, stress of the thoughts. Natural drugs work with our brain, which stores a lot of information, like a memory card. You will go through different parts of the brain, making you feel high or in another dimension. Natural drugs can make you travel through your past because our brains save everything that happened to us from our childhood till now. And our brain gives this information to our soul, which saves this information eternally, which is why you can also dream about your past lives. This is why people think that when natural drugs activate their brain and their physical body, they become spiritual persons, they become awake or enlightened, or they have visions. Of course, it is a physical phenomenon that happens. I keep repeating that everyone is spiritual, but a psychedelic drug or any type of drug can never make you awake spiritually or help you become an enlightened person.

What can make you an awake or enlightened person is meditation. Meditation will not make you feel high. As I explained in the book, meditation works with your three bodies (the physical body, the soul, and the spirit), cleans your bad karma, helps you become awake and enlightened, and opens your eyes. Meditation can make you see your past life existences 100%, understand your present life situation, and see your future, too. No drug can ever make you see the future. Only meditation can make it.

It is very important to understand that synthetic or chemical drugs just affect your physical feelings, and they can make you addicted and destroy you, if you are not strong spiritually to control your intake. The same goes for a drug like sugar. When you take too much sugar, you can get diabetes and other physical sicknesses, if you are not strong spiritually to stop at the right moment. And natural drugs are plants, which help relax our brains and our physical bodies while giving them some natural sensations and feelings. Natural plants have been used for ages in traditional healing practices to help people recover from different physical sicknesses, especially mental sicknesses or strong physical pain, etc.

Every kind of drug has an effect only on the physical body, they don’t have any effect on our spiritual bodies. That is why people have to understand that to become an awake and enlightened person you have to find the meditation of the moment, which is Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo of Nichiren Daishonin, start meditating, become a Buddhist of Nichiren Shoshu, clean your bad karma to become awake and enlightened, and wake up your Buddha life.

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